Message Router Demo


  • Is your machine date/time correct?

  • Can you try with tls instead of lwt_ssl?

      opam remove lwt_ssl
      opam install tls
  • What’s the output of

      opam list '*conduit*' '*tls*' '*ssl*'
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( how )% opam list '*conduit*' '*tls*' '*ssl*'
# Packages matching: (installed | available) & (name-match(*conduit*) | name-match(*tls*) | name-match(*ssl*))
# Name             # Installed # Synopsis
async_ssl          --          An Async-pipe-based interface with OpenSSL
conduit            2.1.0       A network connection establishment library
conduit-async      --          A network connection establishment library for Async
conduit-lwt        2.1.0       A portable network connection establishment library using Lwt
conduit-lwt-unix   2.2.2       A network connection establishment library for Lwt_unix
conduit-mirage     --          A network connection establishment library for MirageOS
conf-gnutls        --          Virtual package relying on a gnutls system installation
conf-libssl        3           Virtual package relying on an OpenSSL library system installation
conf-mbedtls       --          Virtual package relying on an mbedtls system installation
conf-openssl       --          Virtual package relying on an OpenSSL binary system installation
irc-client-lwt-ssl --          IRC client library - Lwt SSL implementation
irc-client-tls     --          IRC client library - TLS implementation
lwt_ssl            1.1.3       OpenSSL binding with concurrent I/O
mirage-conduit     --          MirageOS interface to network connections
ssl                0.5.10      Bindings for OpenSSL
sslconf            --          An OCaml version of Openssl's NCONF library
tls                --          Transport Layer Security purely in OCaml
tls-mirage         --          Transport Layer Security purely in OCaml, MirageOS layer
tlstunnel          --          Tunnel -- a TLS reverse proxy
( how )% s ntpdate -u

OK. It recompiled conduit-lwt-unix. I regenerated the certificates just in case.

It works with tls but not with lwt_ssl.

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Thanks for this. Still need to research the differences between them, and figure out how to use Curve25519 keys for the TLS connection.

I also noticed that the current implementation doesn’t complain about expired certificates, which seems like a problem.

I’ve added tls for now to the dependencies. I’ll open an issue.

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